Cyberpunk winning best ongoing game is an odd one. Should patching your single player game from a disastrous launch and giving it dlc count as ongoing? I personally think not. But we then have to look at stuff like remakes and say how much must a game change for it to be considered worthy of being nominated for or even winning GOTY? The point I'm trying to make is each passing year it feels like it's getting trickier to properly categorize games for specific awards. Idk if that means we need more individual awards or something else entirely. At the end of the day, Cyberpunk (despite being great for what it is) winning best on-going game when not envisioned to be one is a very back-handed award and an insult to those more deserving.

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No way should Cyberpunk have won best ongoing game because is just isn't one.

It's fascinating to see the reaction to this year's show. I'd say they messed up the balance between the winners (rushed off) and the presenters (allowed to talk at lenght about nonsense) , rather than the trailers/ads (which, let's be real, is why most people tune in).

Interesting to see the games that did and didn't caught your eye. Despite the unfortunate Muse needle drop Exodus is definitely one to watch with it being ex-Mass Effect people doing more sci-fi and I really liked the look of No Rest for the Wicked (the one from the Ori devs).

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Dec 12, 2023·edited Dec 13, 2023

The Game Awards was such a disappointment this year, very sad to see the people who create these wonderful experiences for us get rushed off stage (or not even get any stage time at all!) just so we can watch 2 hours of ads. I hope Geoff and people behind the show will see the feedback, think it through and make the next shows better.

As to the Cyberpunk 2077 winning Ongoing game - CDPR could've very easily said "you know what? fuck it", abandon the game, walk away and make something else but instead of doing that they stuck with it, poured everything they had and delivered a game they were passionate about and wanted to see from the start with a fair bunch of fresh new free content, reworking the entire game and it's mechanics and releasing a massive DLC with one of the best stories I could personally ask for. I can definitely see your point but at the same time - isn't that exactly what No Man's Sky and FF14 did too? The only difference I can see here is that Cyberpunk is a single player experience while the other two are MMOs. I'm very happy to see it win anything as I am quite obsessed with the game hahah

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Wow a lengthy and detailed Substack, thanks Chief! DLC should not be considered as an ongoing release unless there’s a schedule for ongoing releases. Petition to rename the Game Awards to the Game Adwards? The more I thought about that show, the more I strongly disliked the emphasis on ads over awards to the point I might refuse to watch it next year (unless streamed by a favorite community, of course).

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