Jan 16Liked by Leah Alexandra

So much information! I really liked the handheld system discussion and the upcoming games breakdown!

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Jan 16Liked by Leah Alexandra

A sequel is definitely grabs more attention than just a big update but I don't see how Smite 2 can be that different from 1 (and it is won't players just want them to make it the same as 1 like it happened in Destiny?)

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Jan 16Liked by Leah Alexandra

I'd love to get one of them handhelds at some point as I often struggle with insomnia but don't want to sit on my PC for too long due to the power bills getting crazy high. That'd probably help a little tiny bit with that hahaha

I kinda hate what AI has become. As a little child playing video games, AI was always just simply referring to the NPCs and enemies roaming around and how "intelligent" they were, how fast they could detect you etc. Now it's actually taking jobs away from people because why pay someone to do something for your game if you can get it much cheaper and faster through AI. Whether it be art, voice over, music, anything. It's all soulless and bland but some devs don't care, cos it's cheaper. (And even if/when it becomes indistinguishable from the real deal and is no longer bland and soulless, it's still wrong and should not be used in my opinion, it's already gone too far!)

Hope you feel better soon! Happy to see the Substack back!

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I cannot recommend the Switch enough. The one thing Leah glossed over is that... The Switch is the last "true" console - you pop the cartridge in, you boot it up and you just hit "play". No 8 hour updates. And when you're done, just press the power button and it's off. Fire it up 20 hours later and you're exactly where you left the game.

I cannot atress enough how incredible of a feature that is.

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